I know it may not be easy to reach out into the unknown for guidance on those parts of life that are hard to explain, describe or discuss. Being vulnerable takes a special kind of determined courage.
And you know what? You have already taken first steps by finding your way to this site and wanting to connect. You have already begun to listen to wisdom's whispers and you are on your way to discovering what your Soul Teaches....

I am an intuitive personal and business coach who is also a humanist, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an author, a public speaker, a teacher, a business owner, and a community volunteer.
I have a unique combination of 30 years in business/marketing and my deep intuitive skills which I use to help my clients create a life they can love living. I am hired by conscious professionals and visionary business owners like you to create and sustain a balanced life while they make a positive difference in the world.
As a transformational catalyst, I use accelerative techniques to:
assist you in overcoming unproductive habits and temporary obstacles,
identify and eliminate hidden saboteurs that block your progress,
transform your mindset to create new patterns of potentiality and
help you to tap into your inherent genius and confidently express that genius in a lifestyle that balances creativity, integrity and wealth.
Now that you know “About Me”- I look forward to talking with you and learning more “About You” and how I can serve you!
You are why I am here.......